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Unakite Flatstones

Regular price $5.00
Regular price $10.00 Sale price $5.00
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Unakite Flatstones - price is per piece & will be intuitively picked for you. Ethically sourced from North Carolina. 

Unakite is said to be a crystal of vision and opens the third eye. It is believed to be a crystal of balance, grounding the self while bringing emotions and spirituality together. Unakite has a special connection with one’s heart and aids in the deeper understanding of their emotional body. Simply meditating with this crystal will help push out those “dead weight” feelings we continue to carry with us. Is said to be a crystal to help you overcome grief associated with the loss of a dream or idea.

Zodiac; Scorpio     Chakra; Heart & Third Eye     Planet; Pluto    Element; Water     

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