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Snowflake Obsidian Tumbles

Regular price $2.00
Regular price $4.00 Sale price $2.00
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Snowflake Obsidian Tumbles - price is per piece & will be intuitively picked for you. Ethically sourced from Utah. Each tumble is approx 2-2.5cm.

Snowflake Obsidian works to help balance, purify, and ground one’s mind, body, and aura. This crystal activates our root and third eye chakras, enhancing one’s psychic abilities, especially that of past life recall. Snowflake Obsidian is said to have the ability to pull negative energy out of the room which leaves space for complete mental clarity. It has an amazing ability to bring truth to the surface, making it a valuable therapeutic crystal. Snowflake Obsidian is the perfect crystal for introverts, helping you to manifest your emotions.

**Crystal Tips**
- Place Snowflake Obsidian around your home to remove and clear unwanted energy.
- Wear Snowflake Obsidian to help express your emotions to others.
- Wear or hold Snowflake Obsidian if you are trying to break bad habits or addictions as it helps to eliminate these habits.
- Place a piece of Snowflake Obsidian under your pillow to further your astral travel journey.

Birthstone; Virgo     Planet; Earth     Element; Earth     Chakra; Third Eye & Root

Disclosure; If you are worried about your health, always see your doctor first. There are no guarantees with crystals, but they may enhance your life.

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