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Serpentine Tumbles

Regular price $2.50
Regular price $5.00 Sale price $2.50
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Serpentine Tumbles - price is per piece & will be intuitively picked for you. Ethically sourced from South Africa. Each tumble is approx 3-3.5cm.

Serpentine is an extremely special crystal as it is capable of realigning our entire chakra system. It is a crystal said to be helpful in stimulating psychic abilities and enhancing meditation. It is said to correct mental and emotional imbalances and to help you feel more in control of your life and assists one’s ability to love and display compassionate emotions. It is a helpful crystal for protecting against negative energy around you. It is said that Serpentine may assist with healing problems within the heart and lungs, and is an excellent crystal for cellular regeneration.

Zodiac; Gemini, Scorpio & Taurus   Chakra; All     Planet; Earth     Element; Earth     

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