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Lepidolite Polished Slabs

Regular price $3.00
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Lepidolite Polished Slabs - price is per piece, please choose desired crystal number. Ethically sourced from Brazil.

Lepidolite is the perfect crystal to dissolve the pain of deeply felt wounds, soothes the heart and reduces stress and depression. Helps you to release any unkind feelings you may be holding onto. An excellent crystal at clearing out blockages and nudging you towards a place where you can connect to your higher self. Lepidolite is a great crystal to have in the bedroom as it enhances a calm atmosphere, helping you get a peaceful sleep. Perfect healing crystal to help a woman stabilise her emotions, making it an excellent crystal for menopause. 

Zodiac; Libra, Virgo & Capricorn     Chakra; Heart, Third Eye & Crown     Planet; Venus     Element; Air     

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