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Desert Rose Mini

Regular price $2.50
Regular price $5.00 Sale price $2.50
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Desert Rose Miniprice is for 5 pieces & will be intuitively picked for you. Ethically sourced from Mexico.

Desert rose is a perfect crystal to place within your crystal grids to enhance smaller crystals energy output and to cleanse and charge the crystals around it. It enhances your psychic abilities and will enhance your dreams and your past life recall. It will also raise your vibrations so that you will experience white light and work with your guardian angels! Desert Rose will help open and clean your upper chakras and restore the balance that you may have lost. It is a crystal for anyone who feels as though they need a constant rejuvenation of energy. It helps realign one's chakra system and remove blockages between chakras.

Zodiac; Scorpio, Taurus & Capricorn     Chakra; Solar Plexus     Planet; Earth   Element; Earth, Water & Wind

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