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Charoite RARE tumbles/large chip

Regular price $2.00
Regular price $4.00 Sale price $2.00
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Charoite RARE tumbles/large chip - price is per piece & will be intuitively picked for you. Charoite is extremely rare as it can only be found from one place in the world - Siberia. Ethically sourced from Siberia.

Charoite is a great crystal that assists one in connecting with spirit guides and entities of other realms. This crystal is all about positive transformation, Charoite helps you to cut through the noise, to embrace deep insight, and to live in accordance with your highest sense of authenticity. Charoite uses its high frequencies and healing powers to shift sickness and pain into health and prosperity. As a natural stress buster, Charoite is said to be an excellent crystal in helping keep your blood pressure in check. 

Zodiac; Sagittarius     Chakra; Crown     Planet; Jupiter     Element; Fire     

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