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Banded Calcite Heart Dish

Regular price $14.00
Regular price $28.00 Sale price $14.00
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Banded Calcite Heart Dish - 11cm width x 11cm height

Banded Calcite, also known as “Banded Calcite Onyx,” has the power to amplify and cleanse energy. Diminishes negative energy, and brings positive energy to our lives. It is an energizer that can combat fatigue, procrastination, and laziness. This crystal also encourages you to take action and turn ideas into reality by reducing the fear of failure. It boosts motivation and inspiration, especially when hope seems lost. Enhances the capacity to learn quickly, making it ideal for those looking to obtain new skills and knowledge and provides great mental focus. 

Zodiac; Gemini, Leo    Chakra; Root, Heart & Crown     Planet; Earth       Element; Earth     Chakra; Root, Heart & Crown

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