What crystals do you recommend to help with sleep?

What crystals do you recommend to help with sleep?

What crystals do you recommend to help with sleep?

We get asked this question all the time and I am not surprised at all as we all know sleep is essential and vital for many reasons - emotionally, physically and mentally.

There are many reasons why our sleep may be affected, whether it is because you are a shift/night worker and you need to balance your sleep patterns or whether you are feeling stressed and anxious, or just simply cannot get your body and mind to unwind. Finding a way to overcome sleep insomnia is essential for quality of life but the good news is crystals are here to help and aid you in the process - as we say more often than not “we have a crystal to help you with that” and we say it because we strongly believe it!

You can place any of these crystals listed below in your pyjama pocket, under your pillow, or around your bed area for a better and solid night of rest and sleep. Don’t forget it is essential to set your intentions for all crystals, so in this case your intentions will be to help with sleep insomnia or to receive a better night sleep etc.

If there is one crystal that anyone should have in their bedroom, it is defiantly Amethyst. Most crystal lovers already have a piece of Amethyst in their crystal collection however using it as a sleep aid may knot have occurred to them just yet. Not only does Amethyst relieve stress, strain and anxiety which may be preventing us from getting a good night’s sleep but Amethyst is perfect for calming your mind which will help with sleep insomnia or perfect to be used as a sleep aid crystal.
Rose Quartz is closely linked to the heart which makes it perfect to soothe and calm your body and mind. Rose Quartz is ideal for any person who struggles with negative thoughts at night time, as well as being well known to help you have pleasant and happy dreams.
Just as the name suggests, Blue Celestite is straight from the celestial heavens above. When you need your brain to calm down and switch off, then Blue Celestite can help combat disrupted sleep, promote dreaming and chase away nIghtmares. Blue Celestite is great to help with dream recall and aid you to get a good sold night’s sleep with peaceful and sweet dreams.
Lepidolite dissolves the pain of deeply felt wounds, soothes the heart and reduces stress and depression. Lepidolite is great crystal to relieving all stress related issues and conditions, both mentally, physically and emotionally, as well as any anxiety you are holding onto. Lepidolite in the bedroom will enhance a clam atmosphere, helping with any sleep issues you may be suffering from.
Howlite is very well known in the crystal family for slowing down an over active mind, making it the perfect crystal to help with sleep. Howlite will send a hush of quiet through your body and teaches silence, patience and helps to eliminate rage, pain and stress. Howlite is the ideal aid for sleep insomnia as it helps with your mind winding down process which enables you to fall asleep in a timely and effective manner.
Lapis Lazuli will induce a peaceful rest and is an ideal crystal for sleep apnea and/or sleep insomnia. Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal to bring peacefulness to the bedroom, and help you feel as though you are sleeping on a soft snuggly cloud without a care in the world.

Don’t forget we all need sleep and lots of it! If you ever need more guidance with crystal healing please do not hesitate to contact us on crystalclearnz@yahoo.com
Love and light everyone xx
*Disclaimer; If you are worried about your health, always see your doctor first. There are no guarantees with crystals, but they may enhance your life.
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